Monday, 20 August 2007

Student Life

It has started...

Transition completed. Our house is getting fuller by the day, as our housemates move in. Our reception in the house was excellent, we had barely arrived or we were treated to wine, cheese, and good company! The mix of cultures is a great source of inspiration and will ensure many interesting topics for conversation, varying from different languages and habits, to food, economy, politics, and things we all have in common, regardless of our backgrounds.

Talking about backgrounds, this week started our Business Foundations week. It has brought together most people with non-quant, or non-finance backgrounds: so no Finance experts, Private Equity specialists, iBankers; Instead, we have PR people, Engineers, Pilots, Military Officers, Economists, NGO professionals, and probably a few more combinations of diverse individuals.

Student Life really started Sunday night. After a short opening session from our professors Cohen and Hietala, we were treated to an excellent and abundant French diner with plenty good wine. Before diner we all received a thick binder containing the week's material, the schedule and the stuff to do and read before and after each class. When we set out for the diner together with the faculty, we knew that we were looking at 5 hours of reading to be done before Monday morning. Still we all enjoyed this first diner before going home to study. Somehow I feel that this is the trend for the nearby future. Fun, party, food, good company, and huge amounts of work.

This week's schedue:
- classes from 9am 'till 3pm
- followed by 5 hours of groupwork
- followed by x hours of further reading
- squeeze in some food, sleep, and bloggin'
- a lot of laughter, good spirited humor, and fun

I quickly go back to reading now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't you happy you attended a speed reading course not so long ago? ;-)